Our Variety


Abate Fetel

Abate Fetel pears are known for their elongated neck and golden-yellow skin with russeting. They have a sweet, juicy flesh with a floral aroma, making them perfect for fresh eating or pairing with cheese.


Bartlett (Green Bartlett)

Bartlett pears, also known as Green Bartletts, are one of the most popular pear varieties. They have a classic pear shape with a smooth green skin that turns yellow as it ripens. Bartletts are juicy with a sweet flavor and are great for eating fresh, canning, or cooking.


Red D’Anjou

Red D’Anjou pears have a distinctive egg-shaped appearance with a rich red skin that darkens as they ripen. They have a sweet, slightly tangy flavor and a smooth texture, making them suitable for snacking, salads, or desserts.



D’Anjou pears, also known as Anjou or Beurré d’Anjou, have a classic pear shape with a smooth green skin that does not change color as it ripens. They have a sweet, slightly citrusy flavor and a firm texture, making them versatile for eating fresh, baking, or poaching.



Seckel pears are petite with a round shape and a maroon to olive-green skin with russeting. Despite their small size, they pack a sweet, spicy flavor with a crisp texture. Seckel pears are often enjoyed as a snack or used in salads and desserts.

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