Our Variety



With its distinctive orange-red stripes over a yellow background, Gala apples are sweet with a mild tartness. Their crisp texture makes them perfect for fresh eating, salads, or even baking into pies.


Golden Delicious

As their name suggests, these apples boast a golden-yellow hue. They have a sweet, honey-like flavor and a tender, juicy flesh. Golden Delicious apples are versatile and can be enjoyed fresh, cooked into sauces, or baked into desserts.



Fuji apples are known for their crisp texture and sweet, refreshing taste with subtle hints of honey and citrus. They have a satisfying crunch and are excellent for snacking, as well as for use in salads or for baking.


Granny Smith

 Easily recognizable by their bright green skin, Granny Smith apples are known for their tartness, which adds a refreshing zing to their flavor profile. They have a firm texture, making them ideal for pies, sauces, and salads, as well as for pairing with cheeses.


Red Delicious

Despite its name, Red Delicious apples are often criticized for their somewhat bland flavor compared to other varieties. They have a mild sweetness and a crisp texture, but their main appeal lies in their attractive deep red color and shiny skin.



True to their name, Honeycrisp apples are exceptionally crisp and juicy with a perfect balance of sweet and tart flavors. They have a unique combination of honeyed sweetness and subtle acidity, making them a favorite for snacking and adding a refreshing crunch to salads.

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